Account Director, Integrated Marketing at Vice Media
Aryn Terry is a unique blend of professionalism in business, driven by creativity. Aryn holds an Account Director role at Vice Media Group dedicated to overseeing Target’s media and talent partnerships.
"There's something powerful about networking across vs networking up."
Prior to VMG, Aryn worked at media agencies with a background in media planning & strategic partnerships, with her most recent work under telecom and finance verticals. Aryn is a multi-hyphenate creative with personal passion points lying in wellness, beauty, and culture. She splits her days in the marketing world by either being a key player behind the scenes as a project manager and strategic thinker or some days, you can also find her on set as a professional plus model.
How did you become involved with LIONS Academies?
I was one of 30 Young Lions Media Academy young professional students sponsored by the Cannes Cannes: Diversity Collective in 2019.
Talk to us about your experience with LIONS Academies.
The LIONS Academies are an opportunity of a lifetime for a young professional. The experience opened my eyes to the media world beyond my perspective and pushed me to think a lot more creatively about the role of media and the importance of its placements. Equally as important, the Academies provided me with an opportunity to network with not only C-Suite level leadership at some of the most creative companies in the world, but it also gave me an unprecedented experience to break bread (and sip rose ;)) with lateral industry peers from around the globe.
“There’s something powerful about networking across vs networking up.”
Aryn Terry
Without LIONS Academy I would likely not have been in the position within my career that I am today. Cross-networking ultimately helped me land my current role at Vice Media.